Followup question bug 6605620
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 08:30:10 -0500
Message-ID: <>
I heard an interesting tale from a support analyst about the bug 6605620. Basically, the "workaround" forces asmtool to just completely ignore the HDIO_GETGEO
ioctl(2) error and "continue". Yet, "continue" in such a way that it does not complete everything a "oracleasm createdisk" would do, like assign the proper privileges to the created disk. This is odd. So why is Oracle taking the stance that this is not a bug? Why is Oracle not willing to address the issue and provide functionality for this situation within asmlib? Is it that too few folks are using EMC Powerpath to make a fuss? Perhaps that is true, and is definitely a valid question of justification if. But not knowing either way makes it a little... less comfortable for those of us who pay money to support to answer and address these kinds of questions. *grin*
On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 12:10 PM, Charles Schultz <>wrote:
> Today is our lucky day. =)
> We attempted to add a new LUN to our ASM, only to find that ASM no
> longer talks "properly" to our version of EMC. I am a bit miffed that Oracle
> thinks the problem is with EMC and has dismissed the bug from 2007. But,
> that aside. We forced the disk to be added with asmtool, however ASM does
> not discover the new disk. There are no relevant error messages in the
> alert.log. So... how do we add this disk to a diskgroup? The disk is named
> using the exact same formats that 4 pre-existing disks have (and which are
> in active use by ASM), and I know it is not an issue with asm_diskstring.
> For those who are interested, the SRs are:
> 7486153.992
> 7486052.992
> --
> Charles Schultz
-- Charles Schultz Sent from: Champaign Illinois United States. -- on Fri Mar 20 2009 - 08:30:10 CDT