Quest Litespeed Engine for Oracle

From: Kenneth Naim <>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 16:27:16 -0400
Message-ID: <239B9AB79B23437485E80C6461F93D85_at_KenPC>

I was just reading up about quest's litespeed engine for oracle (LEO) and it sounded very interest and wanted to know if anyone was using it in production. I understand it acts like a MML but writes to disk instead of tape with compression of between 60-95% and in half the time of a standard rman backup. I don't know my clients Quest rep (if they have one) so my question is can LEO use netbackup to write to tape? I am considering trying out the trial version on our dev box and wanted to know if I install leo as an MML will it overwrite or mess with my netbackup configuration? Anyone have any positive or negative experience with this product?    



Received on Thu Mar 19 2009 - 15:27:16 CDT

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