Re: quad socket, 24 cores tpc-c report posted. (Oracle Standard Edition, Standard Edition One licensing)
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 22:26:11 -0600
Message-ID: <>
Okay. I'll bite.
What did the Oracle Sales Rep say the licensing metric actually *was*?
I'll be the first to agree that the multi-core thing is getting tiresome (though it would not have to be if Oracle corp would simply correct their own wording). Oddly though, I never tire of hearing tales of the strange statements made by Oracle sales people. :-)
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Paul Drake <> wrote:
> ...
> The only reason that I brought this overly tiresome subject up (multi-core
> licensing) was that just this week an Oracle salesperson stated that for
> "Intel chips" that the license metric was not:
> "*When licensing Oracle programs with Standard Edition One or Standard
> Edition in the product name, a processor is counted
> equivalent to an occupied socket."
> as is clearly displayed in the publicly available software investment guide
> and in the tpc reports listed above.
> IBM has an ad mentioning how many hours a year are wasted in traffic.
> I wonder how many man-years are wasted each year in trying to get a
> straight, correct answer regarding Oracle Database Server software
> licensing.
> Yes, if we were to get straight answers, the policies would change and
> everything would be out the window for the next 3 months ... again.
> Paul ( I wouldn't touch that with a 40 foot pole) Drake
-- Cheers, -- Mark Brinsmead Senior DBA, The Pythian Group -- on Sun Mar 15 2009 - 23:26:11 CDT