Re: Windows scripts requirement!!!
From: Guillermo Alan Bort <>
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 21:40:32 -0300
Message-ID: <>
look for services... instance services are OracleService<SID> and listener is <OH_NAME>Listener<LISTENER_NAME> (except when LISTENER_NAME is LISTENER), for alert log scan, you can use a third party monitoring tool, or use windows equivalent of more (which really sucks) and some sort of regular expression filter (perhaps you'll need python). Alert log rename, this can be done with WinAPI32, perhaps there is a program out there that already does that, but if you are a bit savvy with C or VB (pfff) you could do something yourself.
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 21:40:32 -0300
Message-ID: <>
look for services... instance services are OracleService<SID> and listener is <OH_NAME>Listener<LISTENER_NAME> (except when LISTENER_NAME is LISTENER), for alert log scan, you can use a third party monitoring tool, or use windows equivalent of more (which really sucks) and some sort of regular expression filter (perhaps you'll need python). Alert log rename, this can be done with WinAPI32, perhaps there is a program out there that already does that, but if you are a bit savvy with C or VB (pfff) you could do something yourself.
Alan Bort
Oracle Certified Professional
On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 11:28 AM, edwin devadanam
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need windows scripts to monitor 9i database(win 2003 server)
> 1)database and listener up and down status
> 2)alert log scan
> 3)alert log rename
> Thanks for any help
> Reg,
> Ed
-- on Sun Mar 15 2009 - 19:40:32 CDT