RE: Full export and sequence behaviour in 8i

From: Hostetter, Jay M <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 08:51:34 -0400
Message-ID: <>


  The CONSISTENT=Y parameter (during the export) might help to resolve this issue. You would have to ask for a new export from the source system. Check the documentation for it's use and restrictions.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of hrishy Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 7:32 AM
To: Jack van Zanen
Subject: Re: Full export and sequence behaviour in 8i

Hi Jack

Thanks for a response.
No i am the receipent of the export and have no way to find out how the export was done.

I was the one who imported it and getting the unique constraint violation errors but your explanation seems to be logical and the sequences seem to be exported before tables atleast in 8i looking at the export logfile


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Received on Fri Mar 13 2009 - 07:51:34 CDT

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