Re: session_cached_cursors
From: Ujang Jaenudin <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 08:55:12 +0700
Message-ID: <>
9yh0k0ktrf37m select count(*) from a1 0000000388b11c48 3010923763
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 08:55:12 +0700
Message-ID: <>
thanks for your mini lab :)
on my exercise, got this:
user session:
SQL> create table a1 (id number); SQL> select count(*) from a1; SQL> insert into a1(1); SQL> insert into a1(2); SQL> insert into a1(3); SQL> insert into a1(4); SQL> commit;
sys session:
SQL> oradebug setospid 6208
SQL> oradebug dump processstate 10
select sql_id,SQL_TEXT,ADDRESS,HASH_VALUE from v$sqlarea where sql_text like '%from a1%';
9yh0k0ktrf37m select count(*) from a1 0000000388b11c48 3010923763
convert hash_value to hex, got this:
3010923763 = b3770cf3
SO: 38daf57b8, type: 53, owner: 4253c3b70, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
LIBRARY OBJECT LOCK: lock=38daf57b8 handle=388b11c48 mode=N ^^^^^^^^^ call pin=0 session pin=0 hpc=0000 hlc=0000 htl=38daf5838[38db51e40,38db58a30] htb=38db51e40 ssga=38db50df8 user=4253c3b70 session=4253c3b70 count=1 flags=[0000] savepoint=0x49b9b635 LIBRARY OBJECT HANDLE: handle=388b11c48 mtx=388b11d78(1) cdp=1 ^^^^^^^^^ name=select count(*) from a1 hash=86ac6ca8038e9ffc9f401204b3770cf3 timestamp=03-13-2009 08:26:15 ^^^^^^^^ namespace=CRSR flags=RON/KGHP/TIM/PN0/SML/KST/DBN/MTX/[120100d0] kkkk-dddd-llll=0000-0001-0001 lock=N pin=0 latch#=4 hpc=0002 hlc=0002 lwt=388b11cf0[388b11cf0,388b11cf0] ltm=388b11d00[388b11d00,388b11d00] pwt=388b11cb8[388b11cb8,388b11cb8] ptm=388b11cc8[388b11cc8,388b11cc8] ref=388b11d20[388b11d20,388b11d20] lnd=388b11d38[388b11d38,388b11d38] LIBRARY OBJECT: object=387bed580 type=CRSR flags=EXS[0001] pflags=[0000] status=VALD load=0 CHILDREN: size=16 child# table reference handle ------ -------- --------- -------- 0 387bed048 387beccb8 388b11a20 DATA BLOCKS: data# heap pointer status pins change whr ----- -------- -------- --------- ---- ------ --- 0 388b11b88 387bed698 I/P/A/-/- 0 NONE 00 ----------------------------------------
I think that 86ac6ca8038e9ffc9f401204b3770cf3 is pointer at user process to 3010923763 hash_value in the library cache, am I correct??
so, regarding the cursor is copied to "session_cached_cursor area", where is the actual area? SGA or PGA?
my apologize.....cross posting to Indonesian oracle groups.
-- thanks and regards ujang | oracle dba | mysql dba 2009/3/13 ±è½Ã¿¬(gmail) <>:Received on Thu Mar 12 2009 - 20:55:12 CDT
> Hi.
> I think that SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS are placed in Process memory in
> dedicated mode.
> Follow simple test>>
> Session1>
> SQL> select spid from v$process where addr=(select paddr from v$session
> where sid=(select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1));
> ------------
> 26178
> SQL> create table a1 (id number);
> SQL> select count(*) from a1;
> n SYS Connect and Process dump
> SQL> oradebug setospid 26178
> SQL> oradebug dump processstate 10
> SQL> oradebug tracefile_name
> /opt/oracle/admin/orcl/udump/orcl_ora_26178.trc
> SQL> !grep "from a1" /opt/oracle/admin/orcl/udump/orcl_ora_26178.trc
> --no result
> Session 1>
> SQL> select count(*) from a1;
> SQL> select count(*) from a1;
> n Process Dump After execute 3 times same cursors
> SQL> oradebug dump processstate 10
> SQL> !grep "from a1" /opt/oracle/admin/orcl/udump/orcl_ora_26178.trc
> name=select count(*) from a1
> AND, After execute 4 times same cursors "session cursor cache hits"
> performance statistics increase.
> Regards
> PS) sorry for my poor English
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Asif Momen
> Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 6:44 AM
> To: Oracle Discussion List;
> Subject: Re: session_cached_cursors
> Hi Ujang,
> SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS are placed in Shared_pool which is part of SGA.
> Have a look at:
> Regards
> Asif Momen
> --- On Thu, 3/12/09, Ujang Jaenudin <> wrote:
> From: Ujang Jaenudin <>
> Subject: session_cached_cursors
> To: "Oracle Discussion List" <>
> Date: Thursday, March 12, 2009, 3:11 AM
> lists,
> reading materials from both url, need clarification or does anyone has
> a way how to prove it? is there event or oradebug for this case?
> I'm confusing on which part of memory
> affected by
> session_cached_cursors....SGA or PGA ?
> --
> thanks and regards
> ujang | oracle dba | mysql dba