Re: Parallel Threads

From: Riyaj Shamsudeen <>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 09:48:22 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Hi Ken
  What version of Oracle ? If you have access to ASH data, v$active_session_history has three columns qc_instance_id, qc_session_id and qc_session_serial# can be used to see how many slaves were used by a query at a specific point in time.

select to_char(sample_time, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') tm, QC_INSTANCE_ID, QC_SESSION_ID,count(*) from v$active_session_history where QC_SESSION_ID is not null and session_id != qc_session_id group by to_char(sample_time, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS'),QC_SESSION_ID, QC_INSTANCE_ID
order by 1

-------------------------- -------------- ------------- ----------
11-MAR-2009 02:47:34                    1          1187          4
11-MAR-2009 02:47:34                    1          1574          1
11-MAR-2009 02:47:35                    1          1574          2
11-MAR-2009 02:47:36                    1          1187         12
11-MAR-2009 02:47:37                    1          1187         12
11-MAR-2009 02:47:37                    1          1574         12
11-MAR-2009 02:47:40                    1          1187          1
11-MAR-2009 02:47:40                    1          1574          2
11-MAR-2009 02:47:42                    1          1187          3
11-MAR-2009 02:47:42                    1          1574          3
11-MAR-2009 02:47:43                    1          1187          3

Riyaj Shamsudeen
Principal DBA,
Ora!nternals -
Specialists in Performance, Recovery and EBS11i

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 8:35 AM, Kenneth Naim <> wrote:

> How can I tell how many parallel threads were spawned by a parallel query
> after the query completed. I have a query that normally takes a couple hours
> but ran for 24 hours over the weekend. My theory is that the 40 parallel
> threads were reduced by the optimizer for some reason so I’d like to know
> how many threads it used.
> Thanks,
> Ken
Received on Wed Mar 11 2009 - 09:48:22 CDT

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