Re: Rewrite into SQL
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 09:46:12 +0100
Message-ID: <>
I stand corrected.
Just shows I should not respond to interesting questions while jetlagged in a hotel at Hotsos...
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 9:22 AM, amonte <> wrote:
> Hi Toon
> I did a small test but I got same results with both approaches
> SQL> create table t1
> 2 (
> 3 trcseq number,
> 4 cntr_no varchar2(10),
> 5 update_time date,
> 6 flag varchar2(8));
> Table created.
> SQL> insert into t1
> 2 values
> 3 (1, 'Country1', sysdate - 20, 'DELETE');
> 1 row created.
> SQL> insert into t1
> 2 values
> 3 (2, 'Country2', sysdate - 70, 'DELETE');
> 1 row created.
> SQL> SELECT cntr_no,
> 2 max(update_time) arrive_date,
> 3 max(trcseq) mysequence
> 4 FROM t1
> 5 WHERE flag = 'DELETE'
> 6 AND update_time <= sysdate - 60
> 7 GROUP BY cntr_no;
> ---------- --------- ----------
> Country2 30-DEC-08 2
> 2 FROM t1 y
> 3 WHERE trcseq <= (SELECT max(trcseq)
> 4 FROM t1 x
> 5 where x.cntr_no = y.cntr_no
> 6 AND x.update_time <= SYSDATE - 60
> 7 AND x.flag = 'DELETE');
> ---------- ---------- --------- --------
> 2 Country2 30-DEC-08 DELETE
> Thanks
> Alex
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 12:12 AM, Toon Koppelaars <
>> wrote:
>> I think your rewrite is flawed...
>> Suppose the table currently has two rows:
>> trcseq1 Country1 Tim1 DELETE
>> trcseq2 Country2 Tim2 DELETE
>> Suppose Tim1 is less than 60 days ago.
>> Suppose Tim2 is more than 60 days ago.
>> Suppose trcseq1 is smaller than trcseq2.
>> The PL/SQL block will not insert the first row in the other table.
>> Your rewrite wil.
>> Other rewrites all depend upon the constraints that are governing the
>> allowed data in that table.
>> For instance, if the following condition holds for table Trace_inv:
>> "for any two different rows in trace_inv, if update_time of the one row is
>> smaller than update_time of the other row, then trace_seq of the one row is
>> also smaller than trace_seq of the other row"
>> (might very well be true for your table)
>> Then you can rewrite this into.
>> INSERT INTO backup_trace
>> FROM trace_inv y
>> WHERE y.update_time <= SYSDATE - 60
>> AND y.data_field= 'DELETE';
>> But then again. It depends.
>> On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 10:50 PM, amonte <> wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> I have a simple piece of pl/sql code which can be written into SQL, I
>>> have rewritten but was wondering if anyone knows a more efficient way to do
>>> it?
>>> *Original code:*
>>> FOR i IN ( SELECT cntr_no,
>>> max(update_time) arrive_date,
>>> max(trace_seq) mysequence
>>> FROM trace_inv
>>> WHERE data_field= 'DELETE'
>>> AND update_time <= sysdate - 60
>>> GROUP BY cntr_no;
>>> LOOP
>>> SELECT *
>>> FROM trace_inv
>>> WHERE cntr_no = i.cntr_no
>>> AND trace_seq <= mysequence;
>>> END;
>>> /
>>> *Rewritten:*
>>> INSERT INTO backup_trace
>>> SELECT *
>>> FROM trace_inv y
>>> WHERE trace_seq <= (SELECT max(trace_seq)
>>> FROM trace_inv x
>>> where x.cntr_no = y.cntr_no
>>> AND x.update_time <= SYSDATE - 60
>>> AND x.data_field= 'DELETE');
>>> Thanks all
>>> Alex
>> --
>> Toon Koppelaars
>> RuleGen BV
>> +31-615907269
>> (co)Author: "Applied Mathematics for Database Professionals"
-- Toon Koppelaars RuleGen BV +31-615907269 (co)Author: "Applied Mathematics for Database Professionals" -- on Tue Mar 10 2009 - 03:46:12 CDT