Re: Auditing

From: Pete Finnigan <>
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 2009 14:08:39 +0000
Message-ID: <>

Hi Bill,

I have seen some similar requests in the past and some attempts to build similar functionallity. I have also seen third party finance apps that do some of this. All the cases I have seen rely on shadow tables to store the changes. E-Business Suite is a good example with Row Level Auditing (RLA) where a screen allows you to "design" these types of audit requirements. This generates a whole set of triggers, views, procedures, packages and shadow tables to store the changed fields, deleted rows etc.

There are severe performance issues doing this. Flashback is touted as something that will allow this sort of functionallity but the storage required and cost may mean that its easier to simply use shadow tables.

The big downside to all of this is that usually the audit trails are stored in the same database as the original data. This means that they are easily open to abuse and change. You then need complex "layers" of security to secure, manage, archive etc. You also need audit on the audit. Its complex to do securely.

Ron has a new book out in a few days on how to create audit trails in the database with the tools and features that Oracle provides and he suggests in there one option to use redo/archive logs and to use CDC.

Also, whilst very old the O'Reilly book had a chapter on simple audit trails using shadow tables and triggers and also a simple Forms app to view.




Bill Ferguson wrote:
> This general subject has been broached many times before, but now
> project management has finally given some specifics on what they want.
> To me, this seems like major overkill for a fairly simple database of
> scientific (mineral site related) information. Even for something like
> a full blown accounting app, this seems close to overkill.
> I've thought about how to begin to even approach this, and nothing at
> all seems easy. Trying to use the information in
> FLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERY takes hours at a time for each query. This
> seems like it would require some modifications to every table in the
> schema, at least modifications to every trigger, and then a full-blown
> application built to query and report on the data they say they want
> to monitor.
> I'm using 11g on Windows. Does anybody else out there, since many of
> you are in businesses where this level of detail may not be overkill,
> have any professional opinions on managements 'demands'?
> Here is what management just sent me:
> Specification for data infrastructure and a specialized administrative
> interface to review changes to the database:
> Types of changes that must be reported:
> 1. Modifications of fields in an existing row
> 2. Deleted rows in subordinate tables (for example commodities_base)
> 3. Inserted rows in subordinate tables
> 4. Deleted records (rows in deposits_base table)
> 5. Inserted records
> 6. Schema changes (added or removed fields or tables)
> Information to be reported about each change (numbers match numbers above):
> 1. date, time, userid, dep_id, table,{field, old value, new value},
> {field, old, new}, ...
> 2. date, time, userid, dep_id, table,{old field values}
> 3. date, time, userid, dep_id, table,{new field values}
> 4. date, time, userid, dep_id, a complete copy of the existing record
> at time of deletion (possibly in XML)
> 5. date, time, userid, new dep_id
> 6. date, time, userid, table,[field],description of change
> Ways in which this information must be available:
> by time interval
> by userid
> for dep_id
> for table
> for field within table
> The user interface must allow any or all of these to be specified to
> present a list of changes in its report.
> Desirable features whose absence does not inhibit opening the database
> to wider editing:
> a. Include with each change an indication of the mechanism by which
> the change was made and the rationale for making the change. For some
> types of changes this could be automatically generated (for example
> use of the APEX web interface) while in others it would be more
> important to add intentionally (for example deleting a table or field,
> or making changes through SQL outside the APEX web interface).
> b. Undo or restore capabilities (automated):
> (1) revert one field to its previous value
> (2) restore one whole record previously deleted
> (3) show dependencies--what must be done in order to revert a change
> that was made.
> (4) restore a deleted table


Pete Finnigan
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Received on Mon Mar 09 2009 - 09:08:39 CDT

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