Re: Access to temp tables created dynamically
Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2009 22:00:56 +0900
Message-ID: <>
You're stuck in the very bad desgin pattern, aren't you? :)
Anyway, following tricks would help.
- as sys user drop trigger ddl_trigger_test;
drop table t_log purge;
create table t_log(log varchar2(4000));
- create after create ddl trigger create or replace trigger ddl_trigger_test after create on database begin if ora_dict_obj_owner = 'UKJA' and ora_dict_obj_type = 'TABLE' then insert into t_log values('grant select on ' || ora_dict_obj_owner || '.' || ora_dict_obj_name || ' to ukja2'); end if;
/* *-- this does not work, ORA-30511*
if ora_dict_obj_owner = 'UKJA' and ora_dict_obj_type = 'TABLE' then
execute immediate 'grant select on ' || ora_dict_obj_owner || '.' ||
ora_dict_obj_name || ' to ukja2';
end if;
- stored procedure executed every 5 sec create or replace procedure execute_grant is begin
for r in (select * from t_log) loop
- execute immediate r.log;* end loop;
delete from t_log;
- create *background job* to execute execute_grant procedure var job_no number;
*dbms_job.submit*(:job_no, 'execute_grant;', interval=>'sysdate+(*
Now, whenever ukja user creates table, background job process would execute grant statement and ukja2 user would be granted to access the ukja's table.
Dion Cho - Oracle Performance Storyteller (english) (korean)
On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 3:18 AM, Ram Raman <> wrote:
> > Because of Sox requirements we are moving away from generic userids to > individual ids. We have Peoplesoft applications that create tables on the > fly. Developers want access to those tables that will be created on the fly, > in case the process that creates it ends abnormally. I looked into granting > via DDL triggers, it seemed like granting access via them is a problem. Is > there a way to grant access other than doing "grant select any". Thanks. > > version: 10.2 > > TYA. > >
-- on Sat Mar 07 2009 - 07:00:56 CST