RE: determining bind values in deadlock situations
From: Tanel Poder <>
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 14:51:46 +0200
Message-ID: <5C91EFFA1C3E41C2998BA031E57E2F0E_at_porgand>
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 14:51:46 +0200
Message-ID: <5C91EFFA1C3E41C2998BA031E57E2F0E_at_porgand>
That is not correct ;)
What you see in lmd trace below is two copies of the same SQL for one session and two copies of the same SQL for the other session. As the trace data itself says it's the "Current SQL" just dumped twice, not "past SQL" or "SQL doing the locking".
Run your test case with 4 *distinct* SQL statements and you'll see only 2 of them, the currently executed ones are shown.
-- Regards, Tanel Poder http://blog.tanelpoder.comReceived on Wed Mar 04 2009 - 06:51:46 CST
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barun, Vlado []
> Sent: 04 March 2009 06:28
> To: Bobak, Mark;;
> Subject: RE: determining bind values in deadlock situations
> That is not correct.
> Sql_a, sql_b, sql_c and sql_d are in the lmd0 trace files in
> a RAC environment, assuming you have the necessary patches
> applied (in my case 4441119 for RAC/ASM on Solaris 10).
> Following is a test case: