Re: vpd in oracle applications environments

From: Tim Gorman <>
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2009 22:54:55 -0700
Message-ID: <>


Oracle Apps (a.k.a. E-Business Suites or EBS) already uses VPD as the mechanism for implementing multi-org functionality. In fact, it can be argued that VPD was designed and implemented for EBS.

Don't worry about inherent "overhead" with VPD -- just worry about the code you write in your "trusted package" to implement the VPD, and test carefully to make that the predicates you add with the VPD do more good than harm.

Good luck!

Tim Gorman
consultant - Evergreen Database Technologies, Inc. P.O. Box 630791, Highlands Ranch CO 80163-0791

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Kumar Madduri wrote:
> Hi All:
> Could you share your experiences in implementing vpd in an oracle
> applications environment?
> For example if I want to create a policy like this where apps user can
> view SSN of any user but named sql accounts shoud be able to view only
> thier ssn, then each time I execute select national_identifier from
> per_all_people_f as apps user then I would get all the
> national_identifiers for all users. But because of this policy that
> is defined would it add an over head and cause performance issues
> because oracle applications uses internally apps (when logged in
> through forms) and if it appends the predicates to teh different
> policies, it may create an additoinal overhead. Is this significant ?
> Thank you for your inputs.
> - Kumar

Received on Mon Mar 02 2009 - 23:54:55 CST

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