RE: Creating Grid backup jobs through a script
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 17:21:05 -0600
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Here's how we do it:
- We have the same backup .ksh script on all servers in $ORACLE_BASE/admin/rman.
- We manage Oracle account security for the rman account through hidden files and permissions, consistent on all servers.
- We do have separate Grid jobs, one per database per backup type, but that's just because each has it's own schedule. They all have the same parameters for the same job. One parameter is '-L "<database list delimited by commas>"'
- Our backup script parses the string passed with "-L" and loops through it, validating against /etc/oratab on that server. For those databases that match in /etc/oratab, the backup runs as spelled out in any further parameters (level, tape pool, etc.)
HTH. David C. Herring | DBA, Acxiom Automotive
630-944-4762 office | 630-430-5988 cell | 630-944-4989 fax 1501 Opus Pl | Downers Grove, IL, 60515 | U.S.A. |
From: [] On Behalf Of John Hallas Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 3:27 AM
Subject: Creating Grid backup jobs through a script
I am looking at how to consolidate various RMAN backups to be scheduled and managed through Grid. Currently we have a mixture of Grid, crontab and 3rd party schedules running RMAN jobs.
I am guessing that there must be a method of creating a grid job by using a script containing all the credentials, database name, backup type etc but I don't think I have ever come across any information around this.
Has anybody got any suggestions or even better an example.
Here's hoping
John Hallas
Oracle DBA
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC
Tel 0845 611 4589 Mob: 07876 790540
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-- on Mon Mar 02 2009 - 17:21:05 CST