RE: bitmap index and mat.views in SE
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 10:39:28 +0200
Message-ID: <BD17E2E69E17C64A9684C940EB580E030111A7AECDF9_at_stemodc1.stemo.local>
That's right, you can take a look exactly at
The creation and maintenance of mat. views is called Basic Replication and is available in SE (believe me, we use it a lot). Only query rewrite (called "Summary management—Materialized View Query Rewrite") is not available in SE.
Yavor Ivanov
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Joerg Jost
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 5:58 PM
Cc: Oracle Mailinglist
Subject: Re: bitmap index and mat.views in SE
Am Dienstag, den 17.02.2009, 10:52 -0500 schrieb Maria Gurenich:
> Hi all,
> I wonder if somebody could give me the link where I can read about the
> subject features. From this link I figured that BITMAP index is not
> supported in SE, but what about materialized views?
> Thanks before hand,
> M.
The Book Oracle® Database Licensing Information from the official Documentation Books of Oracle contains the Infos you're searching for.
Without looking for it, iirc MV are part of SE, but Query Rewrite is not.
Bitmap Indexes are also part of the EE as you stated.
†Ûiÿü0ÁúÞzX¬¶Ê+ƒün– {ú+iÉ^ Received on Wed Feb 18 2009 - 02:39:28 CST