Re: ** identify time/number for individual table, index accesss within a sql

From: Riyaj Shamsudeen <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 08:30:59 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Hello Joshi

   If I understand correctly, you are trying to find which step of the plan is taking longer time? I blogged about this last year.



Riyaj Shamsudeen
Principal DBA,
Ora!nternals -
Specialists in Performance, Recovery and EBS11i

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:02 AM, A Joshi <> wrote:

> Hi,
> For : OLTP database
> Oracle version : 10G
> OS : SunSolaris
> For a procedure taking a long time : I have taken a 10046 trace. From that
> I can do tkprof and get the times for individual sql. Now : How do I get
> time taken for and number of table, index accesses within a sql query. For
> example : i have sql joining upto 6 tables and some are full table scan and
> some are index access. I want to know which one is taking time. Please help
> and thanks. I am able to estimate full table time by running it from
> sqlplus. I think full table with some checks takes longer. For index access
> : I can estimate for single index scan : however : i do not know how index
> scans are taking place. From the explain plan I was trying to go in the
> order : but there also doing the order is not easy. Can someone help me
> figure this out. Thanks
Received on Mon Jan 26 2009 - 08:30:59 CST

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