Re: brain dead
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 14:57:49 +0000
Message-ID: <>
I was of course missing some things, most notably the fact that what I asked for was already in the docs at In addition, athough the MAA example does set different service names for the standby than the primary, which I still can't get my head around, it doesn't set them differently per node as I describe below.
On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 5:48 PM, Niall Litchfield <> wrote:
> So I'm revisiting the MAA whitepapers
> with
> a view to getting my old notes on how to setup dataguard properly in line
> for RAC
> I'm finding that the OracleNet config documentation is a bit light. Given a
> primary called CHICAGO and a standby called BOSTON, GLOBAL_DBNAME is
> CHIGACO.DOMAIN.COM <> they say that we should do
> the following
> at the primary site 1
> 1) set db_unique_name to CHICAGO1
> 2) add a tnsnames entry for BOSTON
> 3) set service_names = CHICAGO1
> at the standby site 1
> 1) set db_unique_name to BOSTON1
> 2) add a tnsnames entry for CHICAGO
> 3) set service_names = BOSTON1
> I reckon that leaves the listener at the primary knowing about a service of
> chicago1 and at the standby a service of boston1 - similary for the second
> nodes. Wouldn't that mean the client tnsnames would need to be looking for a
> different service depending on which listener they contacted? That seems
> wrong.
> they also talk about setting the LOCAL_LISTENER to LISTENERS_CHIGACO and
> LISTENERS_BOSTON but don't mention those tnsnames at all - I assume they are
> just load balanced tnsnames entries for all the listeners in the local
> cluster?
> Am I missing something - before I try to fire up 4 VMs to test this out?
> If anyone has a complete set of sqlnet config files they'd be willing to
> share off list (and sanitised for machines obviously) that would probably
> help.
> --
> Niall Litchfield
> Oracle DBA
> fighting a horrible, horrible cold and wanting to sleep.
-- Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA -- on Sat Jan 24 2009 - 08:57:49 CST