Re: Different Plans for Literal Vs Bind Variables

From: Ian MacGregor <>
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2009 15:04:30 -0800
Message-ID: <>

It;s And the problem is that the plans are not the same. Bind Variable peeking has not been switched off. The statements were new so they would not have been in the library cache, and the values reported for the 10046 level 12 trace matched those in the query with literals. Bind variable peeking is on by default. The optimizer_features_enable is set to and I have not set _optim_peek_user_binds=false

Sql tuning advisor offered no help for this. Interestingly it did suggest a profile for


The value of SETID is always SLAC.


On 1/9/09 2:47 PM, "Allen, Brandon" <> wrote:

> What's the DB version? If it's 9i+, are you using bind variable peeking? If
> so, then the plan with the literal should be the same as the plan with the
> bind variable unless the bind statement is already cached with a plan
> optimized based on a significantly different bind value. If you're not using
> bind variable peeking, the usual solution is to provide a hint or stored
> outline. If you can't do a hint since it's coming from PeopleSoft, then the
> outline is the way to go, or if you're in 10g and have the tuning pack, can
> use a SQL Profile, but if you're in 10g, then you should probably be using
> bind variable peeking.
> Regards,
> Brandon
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Received on Fri Jan 09 2009 - 17:04:30 CST

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