RE: Oracle Performance on VMWare
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2009 18:04:30 -0500
Message-ID: <BAY107-W40CC1321001CD54C7F51F3A1E20_at_phx.gbl>
Thanks Branden for sharing your experience. We are discussing in general in respect of their written and documented requirement.
As regard dealing with support, I have more than 20 years experience to deal with Oracle Support and quite fortunate to work with large otganizations having GOLD level support and quite good influence on Oracle Support. Even when there was no concept severity, all our SR were handled through their Support Manager designated for that client.
The client with whom I am working now is transferring all physical servers (dev/test only) of a client from NJ Data Center (to make more room for new production servers) to their Data Center in MI and they are going as wmware(p2v). It includes Oracle Database servers under windows/Linux/HP. So far so good. I have not seen any problem with any of Oracle Database as far as performance is concerned. We did not hit any bug yet either. This project will be completed sometine in August 2009.
From: Brandon.Allen_at_OneNeck.comTo:; oracle-l_at_freelists.orgDate: Fri, 2 Jan 2009 15:01:13 -0700Subject: RE: Oracle Performance on VMWare
It’s probably note 249212.1 you’re referring to and yes, it says something to that effect, but I think there are a lot of different interpretations of the note. I think my interpretation as stated previously is fairly accurate, but in reality it could come down to something as trivial as who answers the phone when you call support and what kind of mood they’re in, or how carefully and politely you submit your request, etc. I can’t quote the Metalink note here due to licensing restrictions, but anyone with Oracle support can (and probably should) read it very carefully for themselves and then follow up with direct conversations with both Oracle sales and tech support reps to clarify any doubts and make a good decision as to whether or not Oracle’s support policy meets their needs for running on VMWare or not.
From: M Rafiq [] Thanks for your responses. It was a documented requirement in a Metlaink note.
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