Query processing takes very variable time
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 08:46:37 -0500
Message-ID: <B1C751058F4E7C41BD50130B0750DD93D6650B@mfusemail01.mformation.com>
We are running a query on our DB and even when there is nothing else running on a DB, the query takes different time. Few times it will process 300 records/second and then go back to 10 records/second. There are no Oracle errors or alerts in the log. This is a simple 2-node RAC cluster. These are simple queries, nothing fancy here. We are picking records from one table and put "processed" records in a second table and some "incomplete" records in a 3rd table.
Without going into complete details, has anyone on the list seen something like that? Any ideas.
Happy Holidays.
- Pradeep
Pradeep Chetal
Sr. Director - Infrastructure Architecture
Mformation Technologies Inc.
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