Re: Viewing LCR Contents in Streams Capture Queues

From: Stuart Blackburn <>
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2008 16:54:46 -0500
Message-ID: <>


That's exactly our problem.  We currently use the procedure you
mentioned to view apply errors and it works great.  The problem here is
that we are replacing the propagation process in one of our projects
with custom Java code for security reasons and when we subscribe to the
capture queue we cannot see any of the lcr's currently sitting in the
queue.  Thanks.


Alex Fatkulin wrote:
This procedure print contents of the LCRs in the error queue so you
understand why the error has happened and how to fix it.

It doesn't work really well in case you have a lot of messages (since
it prints everything in the LCR, not only what causes an error) but
that's easily modifiable to avoid.

I don't think there is anything which can allow you to see in-flight
LCRs in the buffered queue so let me rewrite the question. Why do you
want to see these?

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 3:41 PM, Roman Podshivalov
<> wrote:

If you can get LCR from capture queue it can be printed out by using the
procedure from 10G documentation. However I've never tried it personally.


On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 3:05 PM, Stuart Blackburn <> wrote:
Does anyone know how to view the contents of an LCR that is currently
sitting in a Streams buffered capture queue?
 DBMS_APPLY_ADM.GET_ERROR_MESSAGE is helpful for displaying the contents of
an LCR if it produces an apply error, but I can't find anything similar for
LCR's sitting in a buffered queue.  Thanks.




-- Received on Mon Dec 08 2008 - 15:54:46 CST

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