Re: Data Guard Hanging
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 08:18:36 -0800
Message-ID: <>
Tom, in, I had a severe problem with very large transactions taking
a VERY long time to propagate to the logical standby. For example, an
update of 1,000,000 rows with a single update statement that might take 5
minutes to complete in the primary could take days to propagate to the
standby. I went around and around with Oracle Support and they eventually
acknowledged that there was likely a bug, but there was never a resolution.
I don't know about 10gR2. I'm no longer at that company (went under) and
we're not using logical standby at my current company. Do a search of
Oracle-L for my thread about this in 2006-2007.
Mark Strickland
Seattle, WA
On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 5:36 AM, Mercadante, Thomas F (LABOR) <> wrote:
> All,
> I am running a Data Guard with a Logical Standby on Aix V
> This is our first run at this so we are still learning.
> During my first large data load in the primary database, I ran out of room
> in my tablespaces. The load died and I restarted it after fixing the
> tablespaces. I then noticed that the DDL did not change the tablespaces in
> the Logical Standby. I realized that this does not happen automatically because
> the Apply died. I changed the tablespaces in the Standby and restarted
> Apply. Everything seemed to work fine. The data all got propagated over.
> But now the Apply process seems to be hung – or very slow. We are about
> 150 archivelogs behind. All of the monitoring sql's that Oracle Metalink
> gives us shows that the apply process is just running "EXECUTE TRANSACTION
> " – I can't see any sql statements being run.
> Anybody seen anything like this? We have an SR submitted with Oracle and
> the have been actively asking questions but nothing so far.
> Thanks
> Tom
-- on Fri Dec 05 2008 - 10:18:36 CST