RE: Timing for Cloning with Flashback Database vs other methods

From: Bellows, Bambi \(Comsys\) <>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 14:44:54 -0600
Message-ID: <>

John --

Thanks for the email back. Duplicate database seemed to me to be the way to go... but, evidently, there's a nifty new feature called flashback database, which, when combined with RMAN and DataGuard, clones a database. The folks here seem pretty excited about the prospects... and if it just applies changes since the last clone, it would speed things up (for subsequent clones, of course), but I wanted to make sure that it would be as fast as it sounds, so I came to the List, home of all the experts one could ever wish for... ;)  

Thanks again for your response...


From: John Hallas [] Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 2:25 PM
To: Bellows, Bambi (Comsys); Subject: RE: Timing for Cloning with Flashback Database vs other methods  

I wish I felt like a young whippersnapper. Niall did a presentation at UKPUG this week that made me feel very old and my younger colleague was nudging me constantly with a smirk on his face.  

What do you mean by cloning a database by flashback Bambi? I am not sure that option exists, even in 11g. You can flashback a database to a point in time using recover points but actually cloning a database is new to me.  

We are currently experimenting with doing an EM database clone (which uses RMAN behind the scenes anyway). Some success but if a few iffies with a Peoplesoft database still to resolve. Duplicate database is the way to go though. As Niall says, it can be speeded up and is pretty simple, especially if you can get it all scripted (and maybe use OMF files).  


[] On Behalf Of Bellows, Bambi (Comsys)
Sent: 05 December 2008 17:43
Subject: Timing for Cloning with Flashback Database vs other methods

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