Re: PGA growing
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 21:23:35 -0500
Message-ID: <>
I assume your application is connecting through dedicated servers which means both PGA and UGA are located in the process private memory. In case it is your UGA that is growing (use v$sesstat) -- that's most probably an application problem, not properly managing (freeing up) resources in a Java program can easily lead to a UGA memory leaks. There are also a couple if bugs on Metalink regarding memory leaks during java calls, you might be interested in searching for these.
In case UGA leak will be confirmed you can track problem further by determining what call is resulting in a leak and looking at it.
On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 7:40 AM, John Dunn <> wrote:
> We have an inhouse oracle 10 based application (largely java). It is the
> only application using oracle.
> We see the total PGA allocated increasing day by day whilst the
> application is running.
> How can I help the developer identify what processes in the application
> are using increasing amounts of pga?
> *John *
-- Alex Fatkulin, -- on Thu Dec 04 2008 - 20:23:35 CST