Re: 8i-10g upgrade
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 07:52:48 -0500
Message-ID: <>
I"m not sure what all your requirements are, but you may want to look into
the DBMS_REDEFINITION package , assuming you have enough space on the
database server to hold two copies of each table during the move. There are
some other caveats as well dealing with foreign keys. I've used this to
convert some largish remedy tables that contained LOBS, online.
Out of curiousity, what exactly is unmanageable about the database? Are you seeing a great deal of recursive sql related to extent allocations? Fragmentation?
Bradd Piontek
"Next to doing a good job yourself,
the greatest joy is in having someone else do a first-class job under your direction."
- William Feather
On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 7:48 AM, Bort, Guillermo <>wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We have a 10g database with over 3.5 TB of data. This supports a SAPR3
> application. However, this database has been upgraded twice since it was
> originally created and the upgrade went from 8i to 9i to 10gr2. It has come
> to be somewhat unmanageable since It's so big and most tablespaces are
> 'Dictionary Managed' (thanks 8i). We have been trying to solve this by
> migrating the tablespaces to locally managed, but there are a couple of
> tablespaces that are humongous and simply there is not enough time during a
> weekend to do this change. CT cannot tolerate any more downtime. At this
> point we are drawing a blank… so I thought I could ask over here, perhaps
> someone has a little experience with these sort of issues.
> I considered creating a second database (which would require about 3.5
> TB of temporary storage), and using streams or datapump to move all the
> data… however I never implemented streams in this way and am not certain it
> could be done.
> Thanks in advanced.
> *Guillermo Alan Bort*
> DBA / DBA Main Team
> *EDS*, an HP company
> Arias 1851
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> Argentina
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-- on Fri Nov 28 2008 - 06:52:48 CST