How to determine if a relink is necessary?

From: Ethan Post <>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 08:38:12 -0600
Message-ID: <>

DBA (not my database) says no relink required, it was done on 10G install and patch automatically. 3'rd party bar code App is getting ORA- errors regarding datatype on insert or update (converts integer to double or something I think and crashes), 10g client has been installed. All sources (vendor, metalink) say relink. App guy wants to relink but DBA says no way. What to do, is there a way to determine if a relink is required? As far as I know a relink won't hurt and may fix a **CRITICAL** app problem, I don't understand why the DBA refuses to do this, anybody sympathize with him? Me thinks the customer thinks we have our heads where it don't shine. Not my account so not much I can do other than advise the app guy.

Received on Wed Nov 19 2008 - 08:38:12 CST

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