Re: SQL Tuning Case .... Basic Qs ?
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 09:23:00 +0100
Message-ID: <>
First thing that pokes me in the eye is the rownum without any order by, nor
a proper inline view. Do your developers realize they're fetching "SYS_B_16"
number of RANDOM rows ?
Stefan P Knecht
Senior Consultant
Systems Engineering
Seestrasse 97
CH-8800 Thalwil
Mobile +41-79-571 36 27
On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 9:18 PM, VIVEK_SHARMA <>wrote:
> Folks
> What *standard best practices* may be followed to Tune (Minimize the CPU
> Consumption) of the below SQL having 2 OR conditions?
> NOTE – All Tables are relatively small in size i.e. upto 1 GB
> (NON-partitioned)
> Fields which are part of the OR Conditions i.e.
> bo16_opportunities.assigneduserid, bo16_opportunities.salesownerid may have
> some NULL Values.
> Qs Is breaking the single SQL into 3 separate SQLs & hence removing the OR
> statements Advisable? .. (the Outputs of these 3 break-down SQLs can later
> be merged at the Application level,)
> Qs How can the Nulls (which would seemingly prevent index scan, if Null
> input value is passed) issue be overcome?
> Qs Will partitioning help?
> Other ideas pls?
> *Config *- Oracle 10gR2 (NON-RAC) on HP-UX
> *Bad SQL:-*
> * *
> SELECT bo24_sales.applcreationdate, …
> FROM opportunities bo16_opportunities,
> opportunity_products bo16_opportunity_products,
> products bo21_products,
> sales bo24_sales
> WHERE bo16_opportunity_products.productid = bo21_products.productid
> AND bo16_opportunities.opportunityid =
> bo16_opportunity_products.jobid(+)
> AND bo16_opportunities.opportunityid = bo24_sales.opportunityid(+)
> AND bo16_opportunity_products.bank_id = bo21_products.bank_id
> AND bo16_opportunities.bank_id = bo16_opportunity_products.bank_id(+)
> AND bo16_opportunities.bank_id = bo24_sales.bank_id(+)
> AND (( ( ( (bo16_opportunities.mergedwith IS NULL)
> AND (bo16_opportunities.status IN (:"SYS_B_11",
> :"SYS_B_12"))
> )
> AND (( (bo16_opportunities.owneruserid = :"SYS_B_13")
> *OR* ( (bo16_opportunities.assigneduserid =
> :"SYS_B_14")
> *OR* (bo16_opportunities.salesownerid =
> :"SYS_B_15")
> ) ) )
> )
> AND (ROWNUM <= :"SYS_B_16")
> AND bo16_opportunities.bank_id = :"SYS_B_17") )
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-- on Wed Nov 19 2008 - 02:23:00 CST