Re: Dblink in Oracle10g
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 10:41:52 -0600
Message-ID: <>
I should have stated it was my opinion that it seems cleaner to me. I
already have DataPump set up on my databases. I believe it would also take
care of any 'become user' issues when doing the import rather than having to
code 'connect' statements for the private database links. (If there is a
better way to do this part, I'd love to see how that is done!!!)
Bradd Piontek
"Next to doing a good job yourself,
the greatest joy is in having someone else do a first-class job under your direction."
- William Feather
On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 10:34 AM, Dan Norris <>wrote:
> Cleaner how? Seems to me they are equivalent, but #2 takes a lot less
> setup, no?
> Dan
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 18, 2008, at 10:02 AM, "Bradd Piontek" <> wrote:
> You may want to look at how datapump handles this in 10g. If memory serves
> (queue the Iron Chef music), datapump now uses the same syntax as 'create
> user identified by values 'HASH');
> I see two ways to accomplish this:
> 1. use Datapump to export the database links.
> PARFILE would look something like this:
> you can then use datapump to import into your dev database.
> 2. I did a quick test of this with a database link and it worked.
> select name,userid,passwordx,host from$;
> I then constructed a create statement:
> create database link <name> connect to <userid> identified by
> values '<passwordx>' using '<host>';
> I was able to use the link.
> I think method 1 is a lot cleaner, however.
> Bradd Piontek
> "Next to doing a good job yourself,
> the greatest joy is in having someone
> else do a first-class job under your
> direction."
> -- William Feather
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 7:27 AM, Nagaraj S < <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Gurus,
>> I have a requirement. I need to drop all the DB links in the Development
>> database and recreate them as of Production database. How can i do
>> that...
>> Am aware on oracle 9i we can use dynamic script to create dblink by
>> querying$. How can I over come this in 10g
>> Regards,
>> Nagaraj
-- on Tue Nov 18 2008 - 10:41:52 CST