Re: Killed session

From: Bradd Piontek <>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 11:36:31 -0600
Message-ID: <>

I have seen a very similar issue on , Solaris 8, and it was a bug that we had to patch for.

Check metalink Bug #6279479 "Index Rollback taking too long to complete/hang" . I'm not sure if this is your issue, but it may be. Unfortunately, the only way we had of clearing it was to shutdown the database.

Bradd Piontek
  "Next to doing a good job yourself,

        the greatest joy is in having someone
        else do a first-class job under your
  • William Feather

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 8:24 AM, <> wrote:

> Hi Listers,
> Oracle on Solaris 9
> In one of my production database session was long running. Session was
> killed last night. Since then session is marked as KILLED in v$session. This
> killed session is holding locks on few tables and causing further problems.
> USED_UBLK in v$transaction is constant at 287 since late last night.
> I identified unix process and killed at os level two hours ago, still
> session would not go away. (os process is gone already)
> What else should I be looking at? How do I get rid of KILLED session?
> I do not have luxury to recycle database.
> Your help is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Mayen

Received on Wed Nov 12 2008 - 11:36:31 CST

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