Re: Standby abuse
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 18:18:29 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Good point about using the files from the standby for media recovery operations on the primary...
On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 4:10 PM, Goulet, Richard <>wrote:
> Dominic,
> You can't use a logical standby to off load your backup needs. This is
> because a logical does not replicate the original database, but only the
> transactions therein. Rowid's and object id's between the two will be
> different so you can't just move a data file from your logical standby to
> the primary for recovery purposes. A physical standby is the only way to do
> that since it does maintain rowid's and the like.
> *Dick Goulet***
> Senior Oracle DBA
> PAREXEL International
> 978.313.3426
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> ------------------------------
-- Dominic Delmolino -- on Fri Nov 07 2008 - 17:18:29 CST