ORION data warehousing benchmark with about 1200MB/s

From: Martin Klier <usn_at_usn-it.de>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 19:02:28 +0100
Message-ID: <4908A534.2020209@usn-it.de>

Dear list,

maybe this is of interest for you. Had the chance to benchmark a new toy for data warehousing in several directions. Fast for it's money, cheap for its size, but no real production hardware at all, due to striping critical sections. Call it TPC madness for the poor. :P


Let me know if there are questions, or feed back in any way.

Martin Klier

Usn's IT Blog for Linux, Oracle, Asterisk http://www.usn-it.de


http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-l Received on Wed Oct 29 2008 - 13:02:28 CDT

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