RE: Cloning Oracle Home - 10gR2 different Windows O/S
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 11:58:13 -0500
Message-ID: <>
It *should* work, however, if time is really of the essence, then
perhaps performing a silent install is a wiser course of actione, since
cloning throuhg different versions of win is not documented. You can try
it though.
Guillermo Alan Bort
DBA / DBA Main Team
EDS, an HP company
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of S. Anthony Sequeira
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 2:48 PM
To: Oracle List
Subject: Cloning Oracle Home - 10gR2 different Windows O/S
Is it possible to clone a 10gR2 Oracle_Home (binaries) from a MS Win 2003 Server SP1 to a Win 2K SP4 server both 32bit?
I cannot find anything that says it's a bad idea, and time is short.
Following Note:559304.1 on Metalink.
-- S. Anthony SequeiraReceived on Fri Oct 24 2008 - 11:58:13 CDT
Q: What is the sound of one cat napping? A: Mu.
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