RE: Step down - EE to SE

From: Hand, Michael T <>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2008 10:24:45 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Brandon,  

Your recent email on this was what got me questioning my supposition. It seems there are other packages besides dbms_sqltune & dbms_advisor, such as dbms_rls for VPD and others that use parallel features which are installed on SE but only licensed in EE. The bottom line appears to be even if you export an EE database and import it into a SE environment (as was recommended by a poster in Jared's archive link), it is still possible to have EE features in use, violating SE licensing. Great. . .let's make this task even more complicated.  

Mike Hand

	From: Allen, Brandon [] 
	Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 4:29 PM
	To: Hand, Michael T; oracle-l
	Subject: RE: Step down - EE to SE

	No, using the underlying management pack packages without a
license is not okay:          
Received on Fri Oct 17 2008 - 09:24:45 CDT

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