Re: SP2-0575 error

From: John Kanagaraj <>
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2008 15:04:22 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Matt, can you check if all the binaries and libraries have the right permissions for "others"?


On 10/3/08, Adams, Matthew (GE Indust, ConsInd) <> wrote:
> platform is on HP-UX
> Users not in the unix group DBA, get the following error when attempting
> to get in via sqlplus
> SP2-0575: Use of Oracle SQL feature not in SQL92 Entry Level.
> and a failure to connect to the database, even though sqlplus does start
> and they
> end up at the SQL> prompt.
> Users in the DBA group get no such error and are connected. It doesn't
> seem to matter
> if the oracle account has the 'dba' role or not, only the unix group
> seems to matter.
> according to metalink, the most common cause of this is
> problems with the DUAL table, so I've verified that there is exactly
> one dual table with a public synonym and exactly one row.
> All the environmental variables
> correct.
> And the user can connect to other 9.2.0 databases on this server (that
> have seperate ORACLE_HOME's)
> I'm at a loss to explain this behavior. Anybody have any ideas?

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John Kanagaraj <>< (Sorry - not an Oracle blog!)
** The opinions and facts contained in this message are entirely mine
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Received on Sun Oct 05 2008 - 17:04:22 CDT

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