RE: Meta link is down
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 09:15:55 -0500
Message-ID: <>
2 features seem to be missing, at least for me, under the new interface
- bookmarks and cut-paste. Under the "old" metalink, we had a link at
the top named "Bookmarks" where we could save links within metalink we
frequently accessed or just wanted to make note of for whatever reason.
I found it handy to not mess with "Favorites" in IE and instead use this
for things like the ORA-00600 lookup tool.
As for cut-paste, I must be really behind the times because a simple ctrl-insert and shift-insert doesn't paste into the new interface. Kind of a pain if I've got some stupid error phrase that I'm trying to look up.
I know I can use the old interface, but I thought I'd at least point these 2 out if nothing else to have someone show me why I need to get with the times (still using SQL*Worksheet).
Dave Herring, DBA | A c x i o m M I C S / C S O
630-944-4762 office | 630-430-5988 wireless | 630-944-4989 fax
[] On Behalf Of Yechiel Adar
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2008 1:22 AM
Subject: Re: Meta link is down
That took me to the new one.
The old one is in:
Adar Yechiel
Rechovot, Israel
Taylor, Chris David wrote:
Apparently they've migrated Metalink to a new server or Metalink is available, or you can use old metalink:
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-- on Wed Oct 01 2008 - 09:15:55 CDT![]()