Re: statistics_level='ALL' with 10046, level 8 : Cost/Benefit Analysis
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2008 11:12:29 +0200
Message-ID: <>
One thing to definetely be aware of is the timed_os_statistics, that
you implicity set to 5 per default if setting timed_statistics to ALL.
On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Hemant K Chitale
<> wrote:
> I have a vendor that insists on running a batch job with
> statistics_level='ALL' and event 10046, level 8 ,both set at the session
> level in *production* only to diagnose performance issues. Furthermore, it
> would seem that the vendor will rely on AWR reports and tkprof's of the
> 10046 trace files sent to him post-facto (note : not the trace file, but
> the tkprof of it).
> I have run a few tests with my own dummy tables and SQLs to show the impact
> of 'ALL' and level 8 to the job execution time.
> I have proposed a Cost/Benefit analysis -- the "Cost" is the increase in job
> runtime (for a batch job that can take 8-12 hours normally) and the
> "Benefit" being the additional performance diagnostics that is done from the
> tkprof's and/or AWRs.
> Do we have a documented / evidenced list of benefits in tkprof when
> statistics_level is set to 'ALL' ?
> What additional information can I see in an AWR report (generated after the
> fact) ?
> Hemant K Chitale
> --
-- ========================= Stefan P Knecht Senior Consultant Infrastructure Managed Services Trivadis AG Europa-Strasse 5 CH-8152 Glattbrugg Phone +41-44-808 70 20 Fax +41-808 70 12 Mobile +41-79-571 36 27 OCP 9i/10g SCSA SCNA ========================= -- on Sun Sep 28 2008 - 04:12:29 CDT