Re: 10g RAC and defined services performance problem
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 09:33:08 +0300
Message-id: <>
I think that the first thing to do in this configuration is: select *
from gv_$session to be sure that what I planned is working and sessions
are not moved around in the RAC.
The second thing is to get AWR report for two or three sample hours and see the waits and logical gets to find waiting and/or heavy consumers.
I would also get online during working hours and check for locks from time to time.
Adar Yechiel
Rechovot, Israel
Crisler, Jon wrote:
> We have a 3-node RAC Server on Red Hat 4, and have defined
> about 20 additional services with preferred nodes set to 1 specific
> node, with available nodes set for the other 2 nodes. Workload is
> divided evenly with about 7 services on each node. Has anybody run
> into specific problems with performance when using a lot of services,
> as opposed to having the application just connect to the main db
> load-balanced service ?
> This particular application has a reputation from the developers of
> not scaling well across RAC nodes, and we have recently been advised
> of a lot of performance problems that I am now starting to
> investigate, but I want to get some opinions on the wisdom of using
> many different services rather than just a few or one.
-- on Fri Sep 12 2008 - 01:33:08 CDT