RE: TIDE, Railhead, and Oracle (waaaay ot)
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 13:27:36 -0600
Message-ID: <E323160E08E560459CD05A883546C3CE0D18DB31@Earthquake.ICAT.COM>
Even more OT: similar stuff seems to be coming to US via private
companies. Whether this is good or bad remains to be seen. But I don't
think they check for traffic tickets. :-)
[] On Behalf Of Carel-Jan Engel
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 1:18 PM
Cc:;; oracle-l
Subject: Re: TIDE, Railhead, and Oracle (waaaay ot)
we do that here in the netherlands for a couple of years already.
my passport data is stored on a cc-format piece of plastic. so is the
data of the iris of both my eyes.
i got my card some 3-4 years ago.
now, when leaving or entering the country, i have the chip of the card read at the first door of the special lane. it opens, allowing me access to the iris-scan device, and closes behind me. if my eye matches the card, the second swings open. at random, sometimes the other door swings open, giving me priority access to the immigration officer (who can see the whole process, the doors are only appr. 1m high). in that case: 1. i was randomly picked out for a check of my real passport; 2. my eye wasn't recognized (glasses dirty, i don't have to put them off, having my eye outside of the pretty wide scan area, whatever) 3. some (traffic?) penalty wasn't payed in time.
- has happened once so far, 2) has happened twice.
mind that no biometric data of me is stored anywhere in a database, just on the card i'm carrying. maybe i'm naive, but i cannot see a potential data leak there. well, i shouldn't lose the card. but then, who has the software to read it? and what can they do with it? i can lose my passport too. these are documents you treat very carefully.
data regarding 3) is matched, based on our equivalent of the us social security number. that would be matched when they scan my passport too.
it costs me EUR119/year (appr. usd 238). i get closer parking spots,
business class check-in at many airlines, and so on, for that. when i
renew my passport, i get a new card. takes 30 minutes at the airport,
and i'm fine for again 5 years.
when returning from the us, or any other country that is not part of the
schengen-treaty, normally i'm in the car some 30-45 minutes after
docking at the gate. that is, when i have to pick up checked in luggage,
otherwise it's appr. 15-20 minutes.
alas, available only at schiphol airport, although it seems we dutch pot-smoking liberals are allowed through electronic immigration procedures in washington dulles and jfk rsn (real soon now), based on the very same card.
check for more info.
Best regards,
Carel-Jan Engel
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. (Derek Bok)
On Mon, 2008-09-08 at 18:28 +0100, Niall Litchfield wrote:
Interesting to me that you propose that. Here in the UK we have the
same idea - government gets to store our biological identities in at
least 2 databases - I'm pretty sure that's a bad idea. I certainly
don't wish to trade it for faster check in. Especially as no-one wants
to use the same tech for better health care. Still if you want every
border guard and cop to have access to core identity data for legal
citizens, I imagine that faster airports will be only one advantage.
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Received on Mon Sep 08 2008 - 14:27:36 CDT