Re: The strange case of the missing archived log
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 16:36:43 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Thanks Mark thats the Answer!
On 21/08/2008, Mark W. Farnham <> wrote:
> Was the missing archived file one of the ones that was moved that
> shouldn't have been moved?
> Was it the one that was in the process of being archived when the archiver
> got stuck? Then the archiver still had it open, and the mv command moved the
> inode, but I don't think it will appear there until the archiver closes it.
> If the file is not in the place they moved the archive logs to, possibly
> archiver's close failed, so it still appears nowhere. Stopping and
> restarting the archiver process should make it appear – in the mv
> destination file system I think.
> Lot's of suppositions in there, but stopping the archiver and restarting
> it shouldn't be too big a deal.
> Another diagnostic to look for a file not appearing in the ls results is to
> do a du and subtract that from the capacity.
> All this could be wrong, but none of it should hurt anything and it is
> cheap to try.
> Good luck,
> mwf
> ------------------------------
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Howard Latham
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 21, 2008 10:55 AM
> *To:* oracle-l
> *Subject:* The strange case of the missing archived log
> Typical - I go on holiday for day and somebody generates an abnormal load
> of archived logs.
> They filled up the disk, moved the wrong files then moved the right files -
> did a reboot and hey presto
> although the DB comes up fine I discover that an archived log is
> missing.Thats my standby trashed!
> Assuming the non use the rm command anyone got an idea how it happened?
> OS Redhat Linux DB Version 10g
> --
> Howard A. Latham
> RSMB TV Research
> London, England
-- Howard A. Latham -- on Thu Aug 21 2008 - 10:36:43 CDT