Re: Change Management
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 20:17:45 +0100
Message-ID: <>
This sounds to me exactly like what an ITIL based organisation would describe as a standard change. That is a routine, well documented and oft repeated type of change to the infrastructure that carries little, or at least well understood, risks and is the sort of thing qualified IT staff would habitually do. These sorts of change are pre-approved (that is you take the fact that user creation following a standard procedure will be exempt from the formal process through the change process) and are still recorded, but properly implementing this approach maintains reasonable control and understanding of your environment, whilst cutting unnecessary bureaucracy
On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 6:39 PM, Ahbaid Gaffoor <> wrote:
> Today I had a developer object that I was raising too many CMs, here's my
> usual process:
> [CM = Change Mangement Request]
> 1) Receive a request
> 2) Develop the scripts to fulfill that request
> 3) Test them in an Alpha database and commit them into some form of source
> controls (CVS)
> 4) Do the final pre-production tests against the Gamma database (which is a
> pre-prod copy of prod) by checking out the source from CVS and running
> 5) Schedule the change *
> If anything changes before prod, it's back to Alpha to revise and test...
> 6) Apply the change in production by checking out the source and running it
> * When scheduling changes all interested parties are notified of the
> upcoming change and have time to revise and submit their comments.
> One of our developers (a senior one) complained today when I raised a CM to
> roll out a new user, it's role and it's profile in production
> I believe it's better to over communicate and schedule production changes
> as simple as they may appear, our developer feels that there was no need to
> raise a CM.
> What are your thoughts / experiences out there?
> Ahbaid
> --
-- Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA -- on Wed Aug 20 2008 - 14:17:45 CDT