Re: AWR Usage Poll
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 19:41:26 -0600
Message-ID: <>
Not sure whether there is a flag specifically for AWR, but such flags do,
indeed, exist. If there is one (or more) for AWR, I'm not sure how
comprehensive it is. After all, you require special licensing to select
certain *rows* (but not others!) from certain dictionary views.
These "flags" are visible through a dictionary view. DBA_FEATURES_USED? V$FEATURES_USED? Something like that...
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 6:27 PM, Bradd Piontek <> wrote:
> It may be installed by default, and you can't really not install it (in
> 10g), but you are supposed to license the Diagnostics Pack to use AWR ,
> awrrpt , etc. I had heard there was an internal flag that was set as soon as
> you used part of its functionality in case oracle wanted to audit your
> database, not sure if that was urban legend.
> Bradd Piontek
> Oracle Blog:
> Linked In:
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 7:21 PM, Dba DBA <>wrote:
>> What do you mean by separately licensed product? I use it in every
>> product. Its installed by default with the enterprise edition version. I did
>> not know there was a separate license.
>> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 6:18 PM, Jared Still <> wrote:
>>> I am curious about the acceptance and usage of AWR (Active Workload
>>> Repository)
>>> This has been around a few years now, and I see some bits of
>>> conversations
>>> where the assumption is made that AWR is available when troubleshooting a
>>> problem.
>>> Such is not always the case however, as AWR is a separately licensed
>>> product.
>>> Don't forget, ASH (Active Session History) is also part of AWR, and
>>> subject
>>> to the same licensing restrictions.
>>> Which brings me to the poll.
>>> *
>>> *This should take a couple of minutes at the most, as there are only
>>> 10 multiple choice questions. There is room for a written response to
>>> many
>>> of the questions as well, should you feel the need to embellish.
>>> This poll is open until 8/31/2008. It is set to a maximum of 500
>>> responses,
>>> which is probably sufficient.
>>> Thanks!
>>> --
>>> Jared Still
>>> Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist
-- Cheers, -- Mark Brinsmead Senior DBA, The Pythian Group -- on Wed Aug 13 2008 - 20:41:26 CDT