Re: Performance off "count(*)"
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 09:33:44 +0100
Message-ID: <056c01c8e97a$280b24c0$4001a8c0@Primary>
XMLType table are a version of object tables, which means they have a hidden OID column called sys_nc_oid$.
The problem seems to be that the sys_nc_oid$ column (the objects unique object id) does not get declared with a not null constraint. So the unique index on this column cannot be used for the count.
I can't think of a mechanism that could (legally) ever allow the OID to be null, so it seems that you should be safe issuing
alter table XXX modify sys_nc_oid$ not null;
If you do, then Oracle will automatically use the index in the count(*).
I'd raise an SR to get confirmation that this is safe before doing it on live data though.
Jonathan Lewis
Author: Cost Based Oracle: Fundamentals
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- Original Message ----- From: "Marco Gralike" <> To: "Gints Plivna" <>; "Riyaj Shamsudeen" <> Cc: <> Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 8:25 PM Subject: RE: Performance off "count(*)"
Thanks all for the examples. A lot (re-)think and I guess I will have to do some further testing.
In case you wonder, I am working on a: XMLType table, based on Binary XML Securefile storage with has the compression parameter set to high.
-- on Sat Jul 19 2008 - 03:33:44 CDT