Quick sqlnet.ora question

From: Michael Schmitt <mschmitt_at_uchicago.edu>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 16:26:33 -0500
Message-ID: <E37E556CF8A6C44381D2DA9FC354D241853E6480A9@EVS03.ad.uchicago.edu>

Hi All,

I had a quick question about the sqlnet.ora for an issue that I am having.

We have a database running AIX 5L. We wanted to test the Advance security network encryption without interfering with the current listener/configuration.

Therefore, we set the TNS_ADMIN variable to a directory and placed the listener.ora and sqlnet.ora file in the directory. We named the listener LISTENER_SEC and set it to listen on a different port.

We can start the listener with lsnrctl start LISTENER_SEC. However, for some reason it is not picking up the sqlnet.ora in the TNS_ADMIN directory. I set the following in the sqlnet.ora file as a test


However the listener is not writing to the log in that directory. Any ideas on why it is not picking up the sqlnet.ora under the TNS_ADMIN directory?

Thanks in advance

Received on Wed Jul 16 2008 - 16:26:33 CDT

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