Re: Who is using my datafile
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2008 09:27:15 +0300
Message-id: <>
I am a little confused here.
I thought that dba_segments contain information about space allocated to
objects and dba_extents contain the information about the space
allocation within each segments.
Now I find that:
select * from dba_segments where header_file = 7;
return no rows while:
select * from dba_extents where file_id = 7;
return some rows.
So, I am switching to check dba_extents to clear space in datafiles.
What is the purpose of dba_segments?
Adar Yechiel
Rechovot, Israel
Yechiel Adar wrote:
> I have a RAC on windows.
> Oracle 9206.
> I have five datafiles that have nothing in them.
> I mean that select * from sys.seg$ where file# between 6 and 11 return
> nothing.
> When I tried to decrease the size of the datafiles I got: the file
> contain data beyond the space I want to decrease to.
> I thought that maybe there are some temporary segments but all the
> users use temp as their temporary tablespace.
-- on Wed Jul 09 2008 - 01:27:15 CDT