Mastering the Basics
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 08:31:38 -0500
Message-ID: <>
We're trying to create some in house training material to get our team
up to a higher proficiency level in a variety of database topics, which
roughly mirror the 10g OCM exam material. One of the topics on the list
is 'Manage Services'. (list is here:
It makes sense to me that this is 'services' as seen through Grid Control, replete with metrics, beacons, and the like.
Any thoughts on this? Has anyone created any material of this nature and can give us any pointers? We're envisioning condensed documentation, a hands on, timed exercise to verify comprehension, and several one hour blocks of instruction in each topic based on the documentation and exercise we're creating.
Thanks - Chris
-- on Wed Jul 02 2008 - 08:31:38 CDT