Oracle CDC Experiences
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 09:09:02 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
The folks at Oracle that develop Change Data Capture, which is part of the database and is an application built on top of streams, were looking for some feedback about the users of CDC out there.
They had a few questions.
Who do you work for?
CDC in production [yes/no]?
If not production, when is CDC planned to being used?
Oracle database version(s)?
What CDC method is being used?
- sync CDC
- async CDC
If async cdc, what flavor?
- asynchronous hotlog
- asynchronous distributed hotlog
- asynchronous autolog
- don't know
Are you leveraging?
- Publishing of change tables [yes/no]
- subscription of change tables [yes/no]
- don't know
Any generic comments about CDC, e.g. its usefulness, robustness, problems?
Please send me any comments and all I'll forward them along to Product Manager that sent out the request for info.
-- on Mon Jun 09 2008 - 11:09:02 CDT