RE: Prevent connections for some users through SQL*Plus, TOAD
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2008 21:48:07 +0800
Message-id: <8F7E0770F35146F38E0EFCB2E0B28BB5@windows01>
Raise an exception in that trigger and all users without "administer
database trigger" privilege can't connect anymore.
But if you need to do such things you should really review your security policy - as if you enforce security by checking client executable name, then anyone who can change client executable name (all users!) can work around your policy.
Tanel Poder
From: []
On Behalf Of Ricardo Santos
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 19:48
Subject: Prevent connections for some users through SQL*Plus, TOAD
Hello to you all,
I've an old fashion application that uses an Oracle Database where each application user, is also a database user. That way, each user can connect to the database through other tools beside the application, like TOAD, SQL*Plus, etc.
Received on Mon Jun 02 2008 - 08:48:07 CDT