Re: Oracle out the door
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 18:02:57 -0500
Message-ID: <>
I'm not privy to what made management decide to do this other than because
of the high costs going forward as you mentioned in the 2nd to last
paragraph. Our company has very thin profit margins so costs like these are
a real shock to them. I would like to divulge more, but can't. Suffice to
say that they've done all they can to lower the licensing cost of Oracle
with Oracle not giving in. What really flipped the trigger were 2 things:
- Not being able to convert EE licenses to SE.
- Not being able to give back a portion of our CPU licenses.
On 4/30/08, Job Miller <> wrote:
> I am curious about a few things in regards to this thread.
> for how long will your company be paying dual support (oracle + ?) +
> additional new licensing for the other choice while you make the
> conversion. Most likely you won't be able to stop paying Oracle until all
> databases are converted. dropping support bit-by-bit doesn't usually work
> in regards to the way the contracts are written.
> I am most curious what upset current management with Oracle so much. Did
> someone sign a contract with Oracle that they didn't understand? Did you
> get audited or find out you were way out of compliance and Oracle asked you
> to pay up? Did the senior management who evaluated and decided to spend
> money with Oracle originally leave?
> Did some sales person mislead you in regards to what they could/couldn't
> do with the licenses they did buy?
> Support costs can go up each year, was it some support increase that
> pushed them over the top?
> It sounds sort of knee-jerk just based on the little information we have,
> but maybe it was very much an evaluation based on the current business
> climate of the company. maybe they took a look at their IT spending and see
> X% of their annual budget going to Oracle and are outraged, hence decide to
> move everything away from Oracle to free up money for other things?
> i suspect you are not at liberty to share, but that's what i would want to
> know.
> Job
> *Bill Ferguson <>* wrote:
> Lots of good advice and comments on comments on this thread so far.
> One thing I don't remember seeing though, as it relates indirectly to
> costs, is the time and effort to convert all of your existing apps
> over to something new. Converting 87 different databases, with all of
> the associated schemas, etc., seems like it would take a few years to
> perform. That equates to basically wasted manpower for how many people
> for how many years at what salary? What is the ROI on that? 10 years?
> 15?
> Are they all custom databases and apps, or are they 'canned'
> applications? Can they be easily ported to a new RDBMS or will lots of
> extra effort be required to maintain the same level of functionality?
> --
> -- Bill Ferguson
> --
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-- on Wed Apr 30 2008 - 18:02:57 CDT