RE: Oracle out the door

From: Matthew Zito <>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 16:29:25 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Not so small, due to the way SE is licensed - SE is *per socket*, not "per cpu", so you can get four of the nice new quad-core processors and max those out and get a fair bit of performance from even a two node setup. Of course, you lose the various EE options, but everything is a tradeoff.  

If you're really concerned about Oracle licensing as well, you could always have multiple two-node SE clusters and partition your data across them (I understand this is ugly and requires a lot of effort, but if your primary concern is staying on Oracle while minimizing licensing costs, this is an option). I know of one very large oracle shop that does this - they have in the low hundreds of RAC SE clusters (according to them, I have not independently verified this).  


[] On Behalf Of Derek Rodner
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 1:06 PM
To:;;; Subject: RE: Oracle out the door  

Right, but SE is maxxed out at 4 procs, so it will be a very small RAC configuration.  

Am I able to attach files to emails on this list? (just curious)  

Derek M. Rodner

Director, Marketing

EnterpriseDB Corporation

732.331.1333 office

484.252.1943 cell

[] On Behalf Of Allen, Brandon
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 12:53 PM To:;;
Subject: RE: Oracle out the door  

I believe RAC is included with SE in 10g+, at least according to page 3 of this doc  

"Effective with the release of 10g, the Oracle Database Standard Edition product includes the Real Applications Clusters database option."  

Extra maintenance costs are a different story - I've never run RAC so can't comment on that.  



[] On Behalf Of Jeremy Schneider

  I can't imagine that you need to be paying those extra tens of thousands of dollars for RAC; won't the extra licensing and maintenance costs of RAC come out about the same as those three servers your eliminating?

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Received on Wed Apr 30 2008 - 15:29:25 CDT

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