Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 20:34:18 -0500
Message-ID: <>
I believe oratab has the dbname , not the instance name, except for ASM,
where dbca puts in the instance name. I'm not sure oraenv is 'rac-aware'.
When it comes to starting and stopping clusterware resources, you should
probably be using srvctl anyway. (I have modified my oracle environment
scripts to read the dbname from oratab, and then query the clusterware to
see if is running an instance on that node and then set the
environment/ORACLE_SID accordingly).
I'd say for the most part the oratab is ignored other than by DBCA and dbshut/start. Again, the clusterware ignores that file as far as I can tell and uses the OCR.
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 7:31 PM, Sanjay Mishra <> wrote:
> Jeremy
> Thanks for the quich update. I was reading one of the Oracle Cookbook for
> RAC written by IBM/Oracle team for AIX and they mentioned to not to change
> the dbname with Instance Name. We are not using other scripts like dbstart
> etc in RAC to stop or start the db. Ofcourse oraenv is one script that can
> be used especially if it has more Database instances and Oracle Home. This
> is the reason I am confused on the setting as why the bok recommend to use
> dbname instead of instance name. Dbca has added dbname instead of instance
> name.
> Sanjay
-- on Tue Apr 29 2008 - 20:34:18 CDT