RE: Oracle out the door

From: Derek Rodner <>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 18:09:39 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Sorry, but I am going to put a shameless plug in here. Has your company looked at EnterpriseDB? It is based on Postgres, but we added a ton of Oracle features including PL/SQL syntax support, Oracle Packages, system views, stored procedures, etc, etc, etc.

Ok, shameless plug over.

Derek M. Rodner
Director, Marketing
EnterpriseDB Corporation

732.331.1333 office
484.252.1943 cell

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Gints Plivna Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: Oracle out the door

Following ideas comes to mind:
1) Have you/your company considered other editions than EE? I.e. SE, SE One, trying to get discounts, optimizing (e.g. throwing several apps on the same boxes) environments?
2) Have you/your company calculated all other costs connected with database change i.e. staff skills, possibility to rebuild applications totally from scratch, possibility to have various kind of problems because of lack of knowledge and migration to other DBMSes? A while ago I've summarized a few criteria for choosing DBMS and the main message I'd like to offer is - as probably everyone knows - the cost of DB is not the same as the cost of DBMS licence. In case anyone is interested the article is here

Gints Plivna

2008/4/29 John Thompson <>:
> Company I work for just announced that we're going to convert all but
2 of
> our 89 Oracle databases to either SQL Server, MYSQL, or PostgreSQL.
> is due to the high licensing cost. I'm bummed.


Received on Tue Apr 29 2008 - 17:09:39 CDT

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